Index Velocity and Fixed Deployment Links
Misc. Links
USGS Research site for SFPORTS. Includes gif's and mpeg's of current profiler data in the San Francisco Bay area
Indiana District Hydroacoustics
USGS Woods Hole Field Center's Sediment Transport Instrumentation Facility (Marinna Martini's group)
USGS Sediment Transport Group Home Page
Jeff Gartner, USGS Research Oceanographer, Home Page
Ralph Cheng, USGS NRP Project, Home Page
Real-time Index Velocity Examples
It may also be beneficial to view real-time data from operational index-velocity stations. The following links provide examples of USGS streamflow-gaging stations with real-time, online data produced from index-velocity instrument and methods:
Chicago River at Columbus Dr at Chicago, Illinois (05536123)
Columbia River at the Dalles, Oregon (14105700) - long-term AVM index-velocity site
Indiana Harbor Canal at East Chicago, Indiana (04092750) - Lake Michigan tributary with rapidly varying flow and frequent flow reversals